Blackheads are unsightly blemishes, caused by excess oil that has clogged a pore, tend to appear on the oily parts of the face, the nose, chin and forehead and look like tiny black plugs; the open pore exposes the trapped oil to the oxygen in the atmosphere, which is what turns it black.
There are different views on how to get rid of blackheads. Harsh squeezing of them is not recommended, but very gentle pressure applied to the surrounding area is thought to be the simplest, more effective method. “Popping” the blackhead gets rid of the trapped oil, which relieves the pressure that is causing the damage to the skin. Care must be taken not to apply too much pressure, however, as this could cause scarring and make the skin look even worse.
The best method of blackhead removal is to use a very gentle facial scrub on damp skin to get rid of dead skin cells that expose the blackhead at the skin’s surface. Next, pat your face dry with a clean wash cloth.
facial scrub Wet the wash cloth with warm water, wring it out and place it over your face for around 15 minutes. Relax and let the warmth soften the blackheads, which should make them easier to remove. Do this by first, patting the skin dry again, then take a piece of tissue and hold it over the blemish; use the tips of both index fingers to apply even pressure to either side . Try to apply the pressure from underneath the blemish. If the blackhead does not “pop” after a couple of attempts, leave it alone.
Focus on caring for your skin over the next few days, keep it free of heavy products and cosmetics as much as possible, and drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin. Use a very mild facial scrub every day. Try the above method again a few days later, and you may have more success. The aim is to encourage the blackhead to the surface of the skin and eventually ease it out completely.
Pore strips are useful for blackheads on nose, and care should be taken to follow the instructions provided. If you have very sensitive skin, do not use pore strips as they may irritate your skin. Take care when removing the strip from your nose; if it seems to be difficult to remove, add water and take your time. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop using the strips immediately.
Keeping excess oil from the skin is the only way to clear your skin of these annoying black spots and stop them from appearing in the future.
It may take a little time before you see results, but it will work. Now that you know how to get rid of blackheads, it is only a matter of time before you have clear, blemish-free skin.
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